
Geoscience Student Expo 2024

Geoscience Student Expo
From September 09, 2024 until September 10, 2024
Houston - Norris Conference Centers - Houston/CityCentre, Texas, USA
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| Studentská výstava v Houstonu

GeoscienceStudent Expo. Studentské konferenční centrum Expo.Norris, CityCentre, HTX. Platinum RecruiterCo nabídneme v roce 2024?

The TGS Headquarters will host the 2021 Student Expo on September 13th and 14. TGS will donate their facilities and services to assist in the planning and execution of this event.

Houston Geological Society Student Expo, the largest geoscience recruitment event in the United States, targets industries such as petroleum, technology, government, and environmental. Our goal is the same every year - to provide companies with an extensive and diverse pool of talented and recent graduates across the nation, as well as the opportunity for students to gain valuable experience in networking, interviewing and presenting.

Dvoudenní výstava se bude konat, aby se mohly setkat firmy a studenti. Společnosti mohou nabídnout rozhovory.

The most important aspect of the event is the opportunity to interact with recruiters and student participants. Happy Hour and the expo floor will offer formal and informal interactions.

Studenti budou mít několik příležitostí setkat se se členy komise před a v den 2, aby získali rady ohledně životopisu.

Houstonská geologická společnost. 2021. Wix.com hrdě vytvořil tento web.

Zobrazení: 355

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Mapa místa a hotely v okolí

Houston - Norris Conference Centers - Houston/CityCentre, Texas, USA Houston - Norris Conference Centers - Houston/CityCentre, Texas, USA


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